Source code for mbuild.packing

import os
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen

import numpy as np

from mbuild import clone
from import Box
from mbuild.compound import Compound
from mbuild.exceptions import MBuildError

__all__ = ['fill_box', 'fill_region', 'fill_sphere', 'solvate']

PACKMOL = find_executable('packmol')
tolerance {0:.16f}
filetype xyz
output {1}
seed {2}

structure {0}
    number 1
    fixed {1:.3f} {2:.3f} {3:.3f} 0. 0. 0.
end structure
structure {0}
    number {1:d}
    inside box {2:.3f} {3:.3f} {4:.3f} {5:.3f} {6:.3f} {7:.3f}
end structure
structure {0}
    number {1:d}
    inside sphere {2:.3f} {3:.3f} {4:.3f} {5:.3f}
end structure

constrain_rotation x 0. 0.
constrain_rotation y 0. 0.
constrain_rotation z 0. 0.

[docs]def fill_box(compound, n_compounds=None, box=None, density=None, overlap=0.2, seed=12345, edge=0.2, compound_ratio=None, aspect_ratio=None, fix_orientation=False, temp_file=None, update_port_locations=False): """Fill a box with a `mbuild.compound` or `Compound`s using PACKMOL. `fill_box` takes a single `mbuild.Compound` or a list of `mbuild.Compound`'s and return an `mbuild.Compound` that has been filled to the user's specifications to the best of PACKMOL's ability. When filling a system, two arguments of `n_compounds, box, and density` must be specified. If `n_compounds` and `box` are not None, the specified number of n_compounds will be inserted into a box of the specified size. If `n_compounds` and `density` are not None, the corresponding box size will be calculated internally. In this case, `n_compounds` must be an int and not a list of int. If `box` and `density` are not None, the corresponding number of compounds will be calculated internally. For the cases in which `box` is not specified but generated internally, the default behavior is to calculate a cubic box. Optionally, `aspect_ratio` can be passed to generate a non-cubic box. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound or list of mb.Compound Compound or list of compounds to fill in box. n_compounds : int or list of int Number of compounds to be filled in box. box : mb.Box Box to be filled by compounds. density : float, units kg/m^3, default=None Target density for the system in macroscale units. If not None, one of `n_compounds` or `box`, but not both, must be specified. overlap : float, units nm, default=0.2 Minimum separation between atoms of different molecules. seed : int, default=12345 Random seed to be passed to PACKMOL. edge : float, units nm, default=0.2 Buffer at the edge of the box to not place molecules. This is necessary in some systems because PACKMOL does not account for periodic boundary conditions in its optimization. compound_ratio : list, default=None Ratio of number of each compound to be put in box. Only used in the case of `density` and `box` having been specified, `n_compounds` not specified, and more than one `compound`. aspect_ratio : list of float If a non-cubic box is desired, the ratio of box lengths in the x, y, and z directions. fix_orientation : bool or list of bools Specify that compounds should not be rotated when filling the box, default=False. temp_file : str, default=None File name to write PACKMOL's raw output to. update_port_locations : bool, default=False After packing, port locations can be updated, but since compounds can be rotated, port orientation may be incorrect. Returns ------- filled : mb.Compound """ # check that the user has the PACKMOL binary on their PATH _check_packmol(PACKMOL) arg_count = 3 - [n_compounds, box, density].count(None) if arg_count != 2: msg = ("Exactly 2 of `n_compounds`, `box`, and `density` " "must be specified. {} were given.".format(arg_count)) raise ValueError(msg) if box is not None: box = _validate_box(box) if not isinstance(compound, (list, set)): compound = [compound] if n_compounds is not None and not isinstance(n_compounds, (list, set)): n_compounds = [n_compounds] if not isinstance(fix_orientation, (list, set)): fix_orientation = [fix_orientation]*len(compound) if compound is not None and n_compounds is not None: if len(compound) != len(n_compounds): msg = ("`compound` and `n_compounds` must be of equal length.") raise ValueError(msg) if compound is not None: if len(compound) != len(fix_orientation): msg = ("`compound`, `n_compounds`, and `fix_orientation` " "must be of equal length.") raise ValueError(msg) if density is not None: if box is None and n_compounds is not None: total_mass = np.sum([n*np.sum([a.mass for a in c.to_parmed().atoms]) for c, n in zip(compound, n_compounds)]) # Conversion from (amu/(kg/m^3))**(1/3) to nm L = (total_mass/density)**(1/3)*1.1841763 if aspect_ratio is None: box = _validate_box(Box(3*[L])) else: L *= ** (-1/3) box = _validate_box(Box([val*L for val in aspect_ratio])) if n_compounds is None and box is not None: if len(compound) == 1: compound_mass = np.sum([a.mass for a in compound[0].to_parmed().atoms]) # Conversion from kg/m^3 / amu * nm^3 to dimensionless units n_compounds = [ int(density/compound_mass**0.60224)] else: if compound_ratio is None: msg = ("Determing `n_compounds` from `density` and `box` " "for systems with more than one compound type " "requires `compound_ratio`") raise ValueError(msg) if len(compound) != len(compound_ratio): msg = ("Length of `compound_ratio` must equal length of " "`compound`") raise ValueError(msg) prototype_mass = 0 for c, r in zip(compound, compound_ratio): prototype_mass += r * np.sum([a.mass for a in c.to_parmed().atoms]) # Conversion from kg/m^3 / amu * nm^3 to dimensionless units n_prototypes = int(density/prototype_mass**0.60224) n_compounds = list() for c in compound_ratio: n_compounds.append(int(n_prototypes * c)) # Convert nm to angstroms for PACKMOL. box_mins = box.mins * 10 box_maxs = box.maxs * 10 overlap *= 10 # Apply 1nm edge buffer box_maxs -= edge * 10 # Build the input file for each compound and call packmol. filled_xyz = _new_xyz_file() # create a list to contain the file handles for the compound temp files compound_xyz_list = list() try: input_text = PACKMOL_HEADER.format(overlap,, seed) for comp, m_compounds, rotate in zip(compound, n_compounds, fix_orientation): m_compounds = int(m_compounds) compound_xyz = _new_xyz_file() compound_xyz_list.append(compound_xyz), overwrite=True) input_text += PACKMOL_BOX.format(, m_compounds, box_mins[0], box_mins[1], box_mins[2], box_maxs[0], box_maxs[1], box_maxs[2], PACKMOL_CONSTRAIN if rotate else "") _run_packmol(input_text, filled_xyz, temp_file) # Create the topology and update the coordinates. filled = Compound() filled = _create_topology(filled, compound, n_compounds) filled.update_coordinates(, update_port_locations=update_port_locations) filled.periodicity = np.asarray(box.lengths, dtype=np.float32) # ensure that the temporary files are removed from the machine after filling finally: for file_handle in compound_xyz_list: file_handle.close() os.unlink( filled_xyz.close() os.unlink( return filled
[docs]def fill_region(compound, n_compounds, region, overlap=0.2, seed=12345, edge=0.2, fix_orientation=False, temp_file=None, update_port_locations=False): """Fill a region of a box with `mbuild.Compound`(s) using PACKMOL. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound or list of mb.Compound Compound or list of compounds to fill in region. n_compounds : int or list of ints Number of compounds to be put in region. region : mb.Box or list of mb.Box Region to be filled by compounds. overlap : float, units nm, default=0.2 Minimum separation between atoms of different molecules. seed : int, default=12345 Random seed to be passed to PACKMOL. edge : float, units nm, default=0.2 Buffer at the edge of the region to not place molecules. This is necessary in some systems because PACKMOL does not account for periodic boundary conditions in its optimization. fix_orientation : bool or list of bools Specify that compounds should not be rotated when filling the box, default=False. temp_file : str, default=None File name to write PACKMOL's raw output to. update_port_locations : bool, default=False After packing, port locations can be updated, but since compounds can be rotated, port orientation may be incorrect. Returns ------- filled : mb.Compound If using mulitple regions and compounds, the nth value in each list are used in order. For example, if the third compound will be put in the third region using the third value in n_compounds. """ # check that the user has the PACKMOL binary on their PATH _check_packmol(PACKMOL) if not isinstance(compound, (list, set)): compound = [compound] if not isinstance(n_compounds, (list, set)): n_compounds = [n_compounds] if not isinstance(fix_orientation, (list, set)): fix_orientation = [fix_orientation]*len(compound) if compound is not None and n_compounds is not None: if len(compound) != len(n_compounds): msg = ("`compound` and `n_compounds` must be of equal length.") raise ValueError(msg) if compound is not None: if len(compound) != len(fix_orientation): msg = ("`compound`, `n_compounds`, and `fix_orientation` must be of equal length.") raise ValueError(msg) # See if region is a single region or list if isinstance(region, Box): # Cannot iterate over boxes region = [region] elif not any(isinstance(reg, (list, set, Box)) for reg in region): region = [region] region = [_validate_box(reg) for reg in region] # In angstroms for packmol. overlap *= 10 # Build the input file and call packmol. filled_xyz = _new_xyz_file() # List to hold file handles for the temporary compounds compound_xyz_list = list() try: input_text = PACKMOL_HEADER.format(overlap,, seed) for comp, m_compounds, reg, rotate in zip(compound, n_compounds, region, fix_orientation): m_compounds = int(m_compounds) compound_xyz = _new_xyz_file() compound_xyz_list.append(compound_xyz), overwrite=True) reg_mins = reg.mins * 10 reg_maxs = reg.maxs * 10 reg_maxs -= edge * 10 # Apply edge buffer input_text += PACKMOL_BOX.format(, m_compounds, reg_mins[0], reg_mins[1], reg_mins[2], reg_maxs[0], reg_maxs[1], reg_maxs[2], PACKMOL_CONSTRAIN if rotate else "") _run_packmol(input_text, filled_xyz, temp_file) # Create the topology and update the coordinates. filled = Compound() filled = _create_topology(filled, compound, n_compounds) filled.update_coordinates(, update_port_locations=update_port_locations) finally: for file_handle in compound_xyz_list: file_handle.close() os.unlink( filled_xyz.close() os.unlink( return filled
[docs]def fill_sphere(compound, sphere, n_compounds=None, density=None, overlap=0.2, seed=12345, edge=0.2, compound_ratio=None, fix_orientation=False, temp_file=None, update_port_locations=False): """Fill a sphere with a compound using packmol. One argument of `n_compounds and density` must be specified. If `n_compounds` is not None, the specified number of n_compounds will be inserted into a sphere of the specified size. If `density` is not None, the corresponding number of compounds will be calculated internally. Parameters ---------- compound : mb.Compound or list of mb.Compound Compound or list of compounds to be put in box. sphere : list, units nm Sphere coordinates in the form [x_center, y_center, z_center, radius] n_compounds : int or list of int Number of compounds to be put in box. density : float, units kg/m^3, default=None Target density for the sphere in macroscale units. overlap : float, units nm, default=0.2 Minimum separation between atoms of different molecules. seed : int, default=12345 Random seed to be passed to PACKMOL. edge : float, units nm, default=0.2 Buffer at the edge of the sphere to not place molecules. This is necessary in some systems because PACKMOL does not account for periodic boundary conditions in its optimization. compound_ratio : list, default=None Ratio of number of each compound to be put in sphere. Only used in the case of `density` having been specified, `n_compounds` not specified, and more than one `compound`. fix_orientation : bool or list of bools Specify that compounds should not be rotated when filling the sphere, default=False. temp_file : str, default=None File name to write PACKMOL's raw output to. update_port_locations : bool, default=False After packing, port locations can be updated, but since compounds can be rotated, port orientation may be incorrect. Returns ------- filled : mb.Compound """ _check_packmol(PACKMOL) arg_count = 2 - [n_compounds, density].count(None) if arg_count != 1: msg = ("Exactly 1 of `n_compounds` and `density` " "must be specified. {} were given.".format(arg_count)) raise ValueError(msg) if isinstance(sphere, (list, set, tuple)): if len(sphere) != 4: msg = ("`sphere` must be a list of len 4") else: msg = ("`sphere` must be a list") raise ValueError(msg) if not isinstance(compound, (list, set)): compound = [compound] if n_compounds is not None and not isinstance(n_compounds, (list, set)): n_compounds = [n_compounds] if not isinstance(fix_orientation, (list, set)): fix_orientation = [fix_orientation]*len(compound) if compound is not None and n_compounds is not None: if len(compound) != len(n_compounds): msg = ("`compound` and `n_compounds` must be of equal length.") raise ValueError(msg) if compound is not None: if len(compound) != len(fix_orientation): msg = ("`compound`, `n_compounds`, and `fix_orientation` must be of equal length.") raise ValueError(msg) for coord in sphere[:3]: if coord < sphere[3]: msg = ("`sphere` center coordinates must be greater than radius.") raise ValueError(msg) # Apply edge buffer radius = sphere[3] - edge if density is not None: if n_compounds is None: if len(compound) == 1: compound_mass = np.sum([a.mass for a in compound[0].to_parmed().atoms]) # Conversion from kg/m^3 / amu * nm^3 to dimensionless units n_compounds = [int(density/compound_mass*(4/3*np.pi*radius**3)*.60224)] else: if compound_ratio is None: msg = ("Determing `n_compounds` from `density` " "for systems with more than one compound type requires" "`compound_ratio`") raise ValueError(msg) if len(compound) != len(compound_ratio): msg = ("Length of `compound_ratio` must equal length of " "`compound`") raise ValueError(msg) prototype_mass = 0 for c, r in zip(compound, compound_ratio): prototype_mass += r * np.sum([a.mass for a in c.to_parmed().atoms]) # Conversion from kg/m^3 / amu * nm^3 to dimensionless units n_prototypes = int(density/prototype_mass*(4/3*np.pi*radius**3)*.60224) n_compounds = list() for c in compound_ratio: n_compounds.append(int(n_prototypes * c)) # In angstroms for packmol. sphere = np.multiply(sphere, 10) radius *= 10 overlap *= 10 # Build the input file for each compound and call packmol. filled_xyz = _new_xyz_file() # List to hold file handles for the temporary compounds compound_xyz_list = list() try: input_text = PACKMOL_HEADER.format(overlap,, seed) for comp, m_compounds, rotate in zip(compound, n_compounds, fix_orientation): m_compounds = int(m_compounds) compound_xyz = _new_xyz_file() compound_xyz_list.append(compound_xyz), overwrite=True) input_text += PACKMOL_SPHERE.format(, m_compounds, sphere[0], sphere[1], sphere[2], radius, PACKMOL_CONSTRAIN if rotate else "") print(input_text) _run_packmol(input_text, filled_xyz, temp_file) # Create the topology and update the coordinates. filled = Compound() filled = _create_topology(filled, compound, n_compounds) filled.update_coordinates(, update_port_locations=update_port_locations) finally: for file_handle in compound_xyz_list: file_handle.close() os.unlink( filled_xyz.close() os.unlink( return filled
[docs]def solvate(solute, solvent, n_solvent, box, overlap=0.2, seed=12345, edge=0.2, fix_orientation=False, temp_file=None, update_port_locations=False): """Solvate a compound in a box of solvent using packmol. Parameters ---------- solute : mb.Compound Compound to be placed in a box and solvated. solvent : mb.Compound Compound to solvate the box. n_solvent : int Number of solvents to be put in box. box : mb.Box Box to be filled by compounds. overlap : float, units nm, default=0.2 Minimum separation between atoms of different molecules. seed : int, default=12345 Random seed to be passed to PACKMOL. edge : float, units nm, default=0.2 Buffer at the edge of the box to not place molecules. This is necessary in some systems because PACKMOL does not account for periodic boundary conditions in its optimization. fix_orientation : bool Specify if solvent should not be rotated when filling box, default=False. temp_file : str, default=None File name to write PACKMOL's raw output to. update_port_locations : bool, default=False After packing, port locations can be updated, but since compounds can be rotated, port orientation may be incorrect. Returns ------- solvated : mb.Compound """ # check that the user has the PACKMOL binary on their PATH _check_packmol(PACKMOL) box = _validate_box(box) if not isinstance(solvent, (list, set)): solvent = [solvent] if not isinstance(n_solvent, (list, set)): n_solvent = [n_solvent] if not isinstance(fix_orientation, (list, set)): fix_orientation = [fix_orientation] * len(solvent) if len(solvent) != len(n_solvent): msg = ("`n_solvent` and `n_solvent` must be of equal length.") raise ValueError(msg) # In angstroms for packmol. box_mins = box.mins * 10 box_maxs = box.maxs * 10 overlap *= 10 center_solute = (box_maxs + box_mins) / 2 # Apply edge buffer box_maxs -= edge * 10 # Build the input file for each compound and call packmol. solvated_xyz = _new_xyz_file() solute_xyz = _new_xyz_file() # generate list of temp files for the solvents solvent_xyz_list = list() try:, overwrite=True) input_text = (PACKMOL_HEADER.format(overlap,, seed) + PACKMOL_SOLUTE.format(, *center_solute)) for solv, m_solvent, rotate in zip(solvent, n_solvent, fix_orientation): m_solvent = int(m_solvent) solvent_xyz = _new_xyz_file() solvent_xyz_list.append(solvent_xyz), overwrite=True) input_text += PACKMOL_BOX.format(, m_solvent, box_mins[0], box_mins[1], box_mins[2], box_maxs[0], box_maxs[1], box_maxs[2], PACKMOL_CONSTRAIN if rotate else "") _run_packmol(input_text, solvated_xyz, temp_file) # Create the topology and update the coordinates. solvated = Compound() solvated.add(solute) solvated = _create_topology(solvated, solvent, n_solvent) solvated.update_coordinates(, update_port_locations=update_port_locations) finally: for file_handle in solvent_xyz_list: file_handle.close() os.unlink( solvated_xyz.close() solute_xyz.close() os.unlink( os.unlink( return solvated
def _validate_box(box): """Ensure that the box passed by the user can be formatted as an mbuild.Box Parameters ---------- box : mbuild.Box or a tuple or list thereof Box or inputs to `mbuild.Box` to generate a `mbuild.Box`. Returns ------- box : mbuild.Box """ if isinstance(box, (list, tuple)): if len(box) == 3: box = Box(lengths=box) elif len(box) == 6: box = Box(mins=box[:3], maxs=box[3:]) if not isinstance(box, Box): raise MBuildError('Unknown format for `box` parameter. Must pass a' ' list/tuple of length 3 (box lengths) or length' ' 6 (box mins and maxes) or an mbuild.Box object.') return box def _new_xyz_file(): """Generate PDB file using tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile. Return ------ _ : file-object Temporary PDB file. """ return tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.xyz', delete=False) def _create_topology(container, comp_to_add, n_compounds): """Return updated mBuild compound with new coordinates. Parameters ---------- container : mb.Compound, required Compound containing the updated system generated by PACKMOL. comp_to_add : mb.Compound or list of mb.Compounds, required Compound(s) to add to the container. container : int or list of int, required Amount of comp_to_add to container. Return ------ container : mb.Compound Compound with added compounds from PACKMOL. """ for comp, m_compound in zip(comp_to_add, n_compounds): for _ in range(m_compound): container.add(clone(comp)) return container def _packmol_error(out, err): """Log packmol output to files. """ with open('log.txt', 'w') as log_file: log_file.write(out) raise RuntimeError("PACKMOL failed. See 'log.txt'") def _run_packmol(input_text, filled_xyz, temp_file): """Call PACKMOL to pack system based on the input text. Parameters ---------- input_text : str, required String formatted in the input file syntax for PACKMOL. filled_xyz : `tempfile` object, required Tempfile that will store the results of PACKMOL's packing. temp_file : `tempfile` object, required Where to copy the filled tempfile. """ # Create input file packmol_inp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False, prefix='packmol-', suffix='.inp') packmol_inp.write(input_text) packmol_inp.close() proc = Popen('{} < {}'.format(PACKMOL,, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if 'WITHOUT PERFECT PACKING' in out: msg = ("Packmol finished with imperfect packing. Using " "the .xyz_FORCED file instead. This may not be a " "sufficient packing result.") warnings.warn(msg) os.system('cp {0}_forced {0}'.format( if 'ERROR' in out or proc.returncode != 0: _packmol_error(out, err) else: # Delete input file if success os.remove( if temp_file is not None: os.system('cp {0} {1}'.format(, os.path.join(temp_file))) def _check_packmol(PACKMOL): # pragma: no cover if not PACKMOL: msg = "Packmol not found." if sys.platform.startswith("win"): msg = (msg + " If packmol is already installed, make sure that the " "packmol.exe is on the path.") raise IOError(msg)